• 观看记录



    • 片名:夏日纪事
    • 状态:HD
    • 主演:玛索琳娜·罗尔丹·伊文思 Marilù Parolini 
    • 导演:让·鲁什,埃德加·莫兰
    • 年份:1961
    • 地区:法国 
    • 类型:记录 
    • 更新:2024-03-24
    • 简介:

        "In the summer of 1960, Jean Rouch and Edgar Morin investigated the everyday life of people living in Paris. ""Are you happy? How do you live?"" These are some of questions they asked young people on the street in an attempt to understand their idea of happiness.
        From manual labourers, students, to a couple of office workers, the different protagonists reveal themselves in conversation, unconcerned about the presence of the camera. With no script, and no professional actors, this film sets out to frame the limits of cinematographic truth."
        1961 戛纳国际电影节 国际影评人奖

    1961/法国 /综艺 /国语/
    • 关注公众号观影不迷路

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      "In the summer of 1960, Jean Rouch and Edgar Morin investigated the everyday life of people living in Paris. ""Are you happy? How do you live?"" These are some of questions they asked young people on the street in an attempt to understand their idea of happiness.
      From manual labourers, students, to a couple of office workers, the different protagonists reveal themselves in conversation, unconcerned about the presence of the camera. With no script, and no professional actors, this film sets out to frame the limits of cinematographic truth."
      1961 戛纳国际电影节 国际影评人奖



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